Contact us

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Defence members, landlords and contractors

Please submit an enquiry by clicking feedback and enquiry at the bottom of your Online Services.

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Call us

Defence members, spouses, existing contractors and service providers: 139 342 or + 61 2 6268 3700 (international)

Existing landlords, prospective landlords or looking to invest: 133 342

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Invest with us

If you own an investment property or are considering purchasing or building one, you may be able to lease to DHA. Submit an online enquiry or call 139 342, Option 2, to speak to a member of the team.

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Customer Care

Your feedback is welcome and provides us with an opportunity to improve our service.

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Ask a question

If you need more information, ask a question.

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Prospective contractors

If you are interested in working with us, please visit ausTENDER



Information on career opportunities and current vacancies at DHA are advertised on this website, as well as on the APS Jobs website.
Australia with DHA logo inside icon

Office locations

Hunter regional office 
Suite 2, 45D Fitzroy Street
Carrington NSW 2294 

Sydney regional office 
Level 5, 111 Phillip Street
Parramatta NSW 2150 
Wagga Wagga regional office 
Ground Floor T3 193–195 Morgan Street
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650

Brisbane regional office
Level 4, 76 Skyring Terrace
Newstead QLD 4006

Townsville regional office
63–65 Bamford Lane
Kirwan QLD 4817

Levels 6 & 7, 185 Pirie Street,
Adelaide SA 5000.

Melbourne regional office
Suite 305, Level 3 120 Bay Street
Port Melbourne VIC 3207

Wodonga regional office
83 Hume Street
Wodonga VIC 3690

Cerberus outpost office
Defence personnel only
Building 192, Cook Road HMAS Cerberus
Cerebus VIC 3920

Puckapunyal outpost office

Defence personnel only
Building A0548, Vivi Street
Puckapunyal VIC 3662

Sale outpost office
Defence personnel only
Building 115, Catalina Street RAAF Base
East Sale VIC 3662 

Level 2, 1 Swan Street
North Fremantle WA 6159

Head Office
35 Hinder Street
Gungahlin ACT 2912

Postal Address
PO Box 4923
Kingston ACT 2604

Level 1, Building 4, 631 Stuart Highway
Berrimah NT 0828

By appointment only
Unit 2, 42 Katherine Terrace
Katherine NT 0850

Get in touch with Rex D Dog

Rex D. Dog

Would you like to contact Rex? Why not email or write him a special letter and tell him all about your family—he might even write back to you.

Address your letter to:
Rex D Dog
PO Box 4923
Kingston ACT 2604