
DHA’s governance framework helps ensure we deliver outcomes in a controlled, transparent and accountable manner.

Our governance framework comprises the principles, practices and tools needed to ensure our approach to governance is consistent and coordinated.

Our performance framework provides strategic direction and alignment across the business through a clear line of sight through all planning and reporting activities, including:

  • coordinated business planning as reflected in our Corporate Plan strategic priorities, goals and objectives
  • performance monitoring and reporting through regular reviews of strategic and organisational performance measures.

Governance structure

Shareholder Ministers

Two Shareholder Ministers oversee the Australian Government’s interests in DHA: the Minister for Defence and the Minister for Finance. As DHA sits within the Defence portfolio of the Australian Government, the Minister for Defence or their delegate is DHA’s responsible Minister. The Minister for Defence has delegated responsibility to the Assistant Minister for Defence. The Minister for Finance is responsible for, amongst other things, providing shareholder advice on all Government Business Enterprises, including DHA.


A Board of Directors is established in accordance with Part III of the DHA Act and is the accountable authority for DHA under the PGPA Act. The Board is responsible for the proper and efficient performance of DHA’s functions. The Board makes decisions on organisational direction and strategy, which are articulated through a corporate plan (and publicly available Statement of Corporate Intent).

Learn more about our Board members. 

Board committees

In accordance with section 26(1) of the DHA Act, the Board has established four committees to assist in the discharge of its duties.

The Board and each of its committees has a charter that sets outs its purpose, composition and meeting and administrative arrangements. The Board considers the composition of committees periodically. The committees include:

  • Board Audit and Risk Committee
  • Board Investment Committee
  • People and Culture Committee
  • Nomination and Remuneration Committee

A copy of the Board Audit and Risk Committee Charter is available here (PDF 111 KB).

In addition to the committees established by the Board, amendments to the DHA Act in 2006 established the DHA Advisory Committee to advise on the performance of DHA’s functions (refer to Part III of the Act).


The Managing Director is appointed by the Board in accordance with Part VI (Division 1) of the DHA Act and is its only executive member. The Managing Director is responsible for conducting the affairs of DHA in accordance with the DHA Act and any policies determined and directions given by the Board. The Managing Director oversees strategic direction, organisational structure, staff, performance and relationships with key stakeholders.

The Leadership Team supports the Managing Director in fulfilling DHA’s purpose. The team’s broad role is to provide leadership, guide performance, implement and deliver against the Corporate Plan and ensure accountability of DHA’s activities. 

Organisational structure

Organisation chart showing Shareholder Ministers, Board of Directors, Managing Director and General Managers.
Learn more about Our Senior Executives.