Property investment resources

DHA’s property investment resources are free to access and regularly updated. If you’d like more information about leasing your property to DHA or have any additional questions, please call 133 342 or submit an online enquiry.

On-demand webinars and podcasts

Property management fee comparison webinar

Presented by Oxford Economics, this pre-recorded webinar summarises the results of the DHA Property Management Fee Comparison reports.

DHA property investment webinar

Learn how you can invest with us and the benefits of leasing your investment property to DHA in this pre-recorded webinar.

Smart Property Investment Show podcast

In this episode, Phil Tarrant talks to Luke Jorgensen from DHA to discuss the investing opportunity in providing housing for Defence personnel.

Research reports

Property Management Fee Comparison reports

Learn how the inclusions and benefits provided under DHA’s service fee and Property Care Contract may provide savings over the total cost of leasing through a traditional real estate agent management agreement1.

Property Management Fee Comparison summary (houses)

A summary version of the Property Management Fee Comparison report for detached houses. Download immediately with no registration required.

Property Management Fee Comparison summary (units)

A summary version of the Property Management Fee Comparison report for units, flats, and apartments. Download immediately with no registration required.


eBook: Investing the DHA Way

In Smart Property Investment’s latest e-book, discover how DHA provides quality housing for Defence families through investors, and how the financial benefits and property care services offer landlords peace of mind.

Articles and news

Housing finance through the roof

by Rachael Whiteley-Black | Jan 21, 2014
Home loan approvals in November reached their highest level in more than four years, according to new data released yesterday by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

Home loan approvals in November reached their highest level in more than four years, according to new data released yesterday by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia were the strongest-performing states, helping the housing finance market return to pre-GFC levels.

Loan Market director of sales Mark De Martino says the low and stable interest rate environment that characterised 2013 has been a critical factor in drawing out more homebuyers.

“New South Wales has recovered nicely over the past two years, with consecutive month-on-month growth since January 2012,” De Martino says.

“The resource-rich states of Queensland and Western Australia approved 15 per cent and 12 per cent (respectively) more loans (in November) than the same time (the previous) year.”

While official statistics show first homebuyer activity remains very low in most states and territories, De Martino has a theory as to why.

Since the removal of grants for established properties in almost every state, the statistics have become skewed, he believes. Reported first-time buyer finance commitments are only for those using a concession or grant.

Given that the remaining government incentives for first-timers are geared towards newly-built or off-the-plan dwellings, the data isn’t collecting any other first homebuyers.

“Enquiries for first homebuyers remain strong at Loan Market, accounting for 39 per cent of enquiries in November and December. These active buyers are shopping around and waiting for the right property and time to purchase. The first homebuyers of 2014 are going to be very prepared and well researched.”

There are growing signs that the Reserve Bank of Australia could raise the official cash rate at some stage in 2014, he says.

“Fixed rates for both two and three-year terms have been adjusted upwards, albeit by small increments, by several lenders in the past few weeks.”

Major banks tend to shift their fixed rates back up when they sense official rates could be about to move, he says.

Reproduced in full with permission: Australian Property Investor Housing finance through the roof 14 January 2014

Attention: This article is intended to provide general information only. Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information at the date of publication. The opinions expressed in this article do not reflect those of DHA, its staff or agents. Property prices are subject to fluctuation. Prospective investors should seek independent advice. DHA will not be liable for any loss, damage, cost or expenses incurred or arising by reason of any person relying on information in this article.