Property investment resources

DHA’s property investment resources are free to access and regularly updated. If you’d like more information about leasing your property to DHA or have any additional questions, please call 133 342 or submit an online enquiry.

On-demand webinars and podcasts

Property management fee comparison webinar

Presented by Oxford Economics, this pre-recorded webinar summarises the results of the DHA Property Management Fee Comparison reports.

DHA property investment webinar

Learn how you can invest with us and the benefits of leasing your investment property to DHA in this pre-recorded webinar.

Smart Property Investment Show podcast

In this episode, Phil Tarrant talks to Luke Jorgensen from DHA to discuss the investing opportunity in providing housing for Defence personnel.

Research reports

Property Management Fee Comparison reports

Learn how the inclusions and benefits provided under DHA’s service fee and Property Care Contract may provide savings over the total cost of leasing through a traditional real estate agent management agreement1.

Property Management Fee Comparison summary (houses)

A summary version of the Property Management Fee Comparison report for detached houses. Download immediately with no registration required.

Property Management Fee Comparison summary (units)

A summary version of the Property Management Fee Comparison report for units, flats, and apartments. Download immediately with no registration required.


eBook: Investing the DHA Way

In Smart Property Investment’s latest e-book, discover how DHA provides quality housing for Defence families through investors, and how the financial benefits and property care services offer landlords peace of mind.

Articles and news

The habits of tax smart property investors

by Alex Monk | Jun 07, 2017
With the end of financial year fast approaching we turned to the Australian Taxation Office to learn about the traits of tax-smart property investors. Do you do all seven?

With the end of financial year fast approaching we turned to the Australian Taxation Office to learn about the traits of tax-smart property investors. Do you do all seven?

1. Declare all income

Any income you receive when you rent out your property must be declared on your tax return.

2. Keep proof of all expenses

Any time you spend money on your investment property, you should keep proof of expenditure, such as a receipt.

3. Track when you use your rental for private use

If you, your family or friends stay in your rental property for free or a reduced rate, this will affect the expenses you can claim for that period.

4. Only claim interest expenses on the part of your loan that relates to your rental property

You can claim interest charged on a loan relating to your rental property. However if you use part of that loan for private purposes, such as to buy a new family car, you can’t claim interest on that part of the loan.

5. Claim improvements or initial repairs as capital works

Improvements such as renovating the bathroom or initial repairs for damage that existed when you purchased the property must be claimed as capital works expenses and spread over a number of years, not claimed as an outright deduction.

6. Correctly divide income and expenses of co-owned properties

If you share ownership of your rental property with another, you’ll need to divide the income and expenses according to your legal interest in the property.

7. Increase your knowledge

The ATO website contains a wide range of useful information, including an in depth guide to rental properties along with real-life case studies.

Investment is subject to DHA's lease terms and conditions of sale. Investors retain some responsibilities and risks, including property market fluctuations. Prospective investors should seek independent advice.