Emergency repairs

Emergency repairs are for items that affect the immediate health, safety or security of you, your family or the property. Emergency repairs can include:

  • a burst water pipe, serious water service leak or no water
  • serious flooding or serious flood damage
  • serious roof leak
  • sewer blockage
  • dangerous electrical fault or no power
  • a gas leak
  • serious storm, fire or impact damage
  • a failure or breakdown of the hot water service
  • a failure or breakdown of the stove or oven
  • a failure or breakdown of all hotplates
  • a fault or damage that makes the premises unsafe or insecure (this includes smoke alarms)
  • loss of all toilet facilities
  • loss of all air-conditioning or all heating
    • Please note emergency maintenance may not be applicable in some situations such as:
      • heaters when it is not unseasonably cold
      • air conditioning when it is not unseasonably hot
      • when there are multiple climate control units in one property and only one is not working (routine maintenance should be selected in this case).


How to log Emergency repairs

  • Call 139 342 (24 hours 7 days a week).
    • Please note emergency repairs are not to be logged via email or Online Services.

What you can expect when you call through an emergency repair

  • Support 24 hours 7 days a week.
  • A contractor will be allocated to undertake the emergency repair.
  • The contractor will contact you within four hours.
  • The affected area will be made safe and where possible the emergency repairs will be completed within 24 hours of receiving the request.
    • Please note factors outside of DHA's control may affect the timeframe for the completion of the repairs. This can include but is not limited to the emergency repair being greater than anticipated; access to materials; strata; insurance or warranty works.
  • If your request is not deemed an emergency, it will be treated as routine maintenance.

Natural Disasters

  • If a property has been affected by a natural disaster, such as a major flood, bushfire, cyclone, earthquake or severe storm, please call 000 or the State Emergency Service on 132 500.