Customer care

Service Charter

Our commitment to you

We will:

  • listen, be respectful and professional in our dealings with you
  • keep you informed
  • assist you where we can
  • do what we say we will do
  • provide reasons for decisions we make that impact you where appropriate
  • respect your privacy

How you can help us

You can help us by:

  • treating our employees with respect and courtesy
  • telling us if you need special assistance with accessing our services
  • understanding and meeting your obligations (including contractual conditions)
  • providing us with the information we need

Feedback, compliments and complaints 

To provide feedback, complaints or compliments select an option below:

DHA welcomes helpful information which provides opportunities to improve our service.

If someone deserves a compliment, you can let them know directly, or submit your compliment to us.

We want you to tell us when you are dissatisfied with our service. We are committed to the continuous improvement of our services and responding to customer complaints in a reasonable and timely manner.

Are you a Defence Member, Landlord or Contractor?

Login to Online Services and select ‘online enquiry’.

Don't have an Online Services account with DHA?


Submit an enquiry using our online form.

Write to us

Customer Care Team
Defence Housing Australia
PO Box 4923
Kingston ACT 2604

Complaint management process

DHA has a 3-step process to resolve your complaint:

Complaint management process

Lodge a complaint

Step 1 - Lodge a complaint

  • Tell us what your concern or complaint is and how this has impacted you.
  • Provide us the information needed to investigate the matter, such as dates, timelines, specific details, supporting documents and reports.
  • Let us know what ‘resolution’ looks like to you.
  • Your concern or complaint will be acknowledged within 2 business days, and you will be provided with a reference number. You can use this number to obtain updates on your submission.
Assessment and resolution

Step 2 - Assessment and resolution

  • We will investigate the matter and attempt to resolve the complaint within 21 days.
  • DHA may require further information to assist in our investigations to resolve your concerns, in which case we will contact you.
  • Your submission will be assessed by the relevant division in DHA, the Customer Care team will oversee this process.
  • At times the resolution may exceed the 21 days due to the complexity of the issue, availability of facts or internal resources. We will keep you updated on the progress and outcome.

Step 3 – Review

  • If you are not satisfied with the outcome or handling of your submission, please provide all relevant details as to why you are not satisfied. There are two options available to you:

    • Request your submission is escalated for review by the Customer Care Team.
    • Request DHA participate in an agreed method of alternative resolution process.