19 May 2014 Dr Katrina Warren endorses importance of pets to Defence families

TODAY show’s celebrity vet Dr Katrina Warren joined Managing Director Peter Howman and Rex D. Dog at Gold Creek station to launch Defence Housing Australia’s second children’s book Sticking Together.

The book launch was part of an event for National Families Week 2014 hosted by Defence Community Organisation. This is a great initiative recognising the important role families play in helping children to develop, learn and grow.

More than 340 Defence kids and their families participated in numerous activities including Rex puppet making and drawing, sheep mustering and shearing demonstrations, enjoying music from the bush band and a tasty barbecue lunch. After much anticipation Defence kids gathered in the DHA marquee to listen to Dr Katrina deliver the first official reading of Sticking Together. Dr Katrina engaged with the kids reiterating the importance of pets in family unity and answered questions they had concerning their own pets.

“It has the most beautiful message about how wonderful and important pets are as part of our family,” Dr Katrina said.

Following the success of Rex’s first book Let’s Get Moving, Sticking Together was designed to provide education and support for Defence kids who are faced with the challenges associated with being a Defence family.

Dr Katrina Warren, Digger and Rex D. Dog with Managing Director Peter Howman at the Sticking Together book launch.

If you would like to order your copy of Sticking Together visit dha.gov.au/Rex or email communications@dha.gov.au

Dr Katrina Warren with Rex D. Dog